“When the media slings mud, we use it to build huts/
Irrefutable facts, merciful, beautiful black/”
- Nas
This song...this video...reminds us of who we are. Powerful. Resilient. Successful. TARGETED. We all know it but sometimes, it can feel too real and too hard to look at.
Nas, Kanye and Dream...powerful combination that created a masterful track. I know the EP hasn’t been for everyone but this song grounds me when the world is a lil upside down. Everything is connected. When it doesn’t feel like it, music paves the way and bridges the gap. This song...is that.
Honestly? I adore this song. Not love. Love has been watered down lately. ADORE. Everyone deserves this song as a reminder so… Press Play
“Dark boy, don't you die
They're just human, let them lie
You just know your world and speak your truth
Let them come to you
For your love and your heart”