
I love music and pretty much can’t function without it.  If you’re like me, you might start your day with a “Song of the day” or “Song of the week”.  Well, these are mine.  Consider this my little muse music depending on my mood.  Some will be my own while others may be popular or “lesser known” music.  Popularity doesn’t particularly matter to me as long as the song makes me FEEL. So if you’re like me…welcome.  If you're not, then this just got awkward.  -JUST KIDDING-  Regardless, thanks for checking it out.  Hey, maybe we'll discover an artist together! 

Feel free to comment on the song of the week or share music through my contact page.  If it works with the feel of the page, I’ll add it to the mood list.  We all have songs that get us through the day to day.  These are mine and -hopefully- yours.

For the record - I'm a fan of the ellipses.  You've been warned...